Adiane in progress
I finally started planning on my Adiane cosplay. I'm having a brief ''summer'' holiday so i can have all the time I want to sew my outfit: S... I really wanted to go Tokyo on this holiday, because I have always wanted to see hanami, meaning to go see the cherry blossoms blooming. But my work blew up my plans. Anyways heres my Adiane update.
In my opinion makeup is very important part of the cosplay. I don't want to be one of those with great costume and props, but zero effort put on the face. The makeup has to be strong to bring out the features of the character and be flash proof! Adianes makeup is quite easy, all the attention goes to her lips, grimson red eyes and well..body tattoos. Kind of sucks i have to wear eye patch again, you get used to it but it's just not my thing.
Here's photo of lipstick i bought it's Maybeline, pleasure me red. Hahhaaa I never worn red lipstick before, looks like i stole it from mom.
Okey enough about the makeup. I decided to make the scorpion tail from the lightest material possible. I wanted to make them from polystyrene balls, but guess do they sell it here middle of nowhere and even ebay seller refused to send those here. So i'm making them from air balloons:) I know it will start to loose air at some point, so i glued million layers of newspaper. I hope this tail will made it to desucon
I also started work on my outfit too. The pattern is from normal yukata, it's supeeer easy to make. In all it took 45min to cut and sew the dark outfit below. The fabric is satin mixed cotton wich i really like, in all it cost 27€ from Eurokangas.
As you can see it's quite short. I thought i measure it right but I guess I've worn too many miniskirts, That I unconsciously cut it miniskirt: S
More update coming later with more specific photos: )
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