sunnuntai 6. toukokuuta 2012

Adiane check, what's next?

Okey Adiane is officially completed=^.^=(expect the wig...) So it took about a week as I thought. Such a nice way to spend your holiday, right? There still one month for But as soon as I get back to work time will go fast, I hope so. Best part is we will have kick ass Gurren lagann group with Yoko and Kittan. Though I wouldn't mind if there were more people in this group;___; I'm secretly hoping they'll ask us to Hall cosplay competition: > 

 I need this badass attitude xD 

 Here are the prints of the outfit. I found my new love and its the sticker paper. I can't believe I haven't figured out this earlier! I found from the deeps of our closet and it worked out so well. I could have put close up from my Boa skirt to compare, but your eyes would bleed. Too bad the sticker didn't attach to the pink fabric: S that sewings looks kinda bad. 

On left the finished corset. I know it looks funny but it looks better when it's on: ) And finally on right the finished cloth: ) Hahhaa you remember  it was too short? so I did a thing i'd never do to normal dress. I continued the hem with extra fabric and covered the seam with the butterflies xD 
Too bad have to wait one whole month to wear it. 

In case you're interested my budget: 
Fabrics, satin cotton - Eurokangas 27€ 
Golden string -3€
Underbust corset - Ebay 11€
Red eye contacts- Geo lens house 26€
Fabrics of the prints 9€
Airballoons and red paint-Tiimari 10€
Tights for the tattoos in her leg 7€
and wig€??
So total of 93 € well it always takes around 100€ or more to make nice cosplay. I can't even imagine how much some people put money on their cosplay: S 

Now I have to figure what to do for one month. Maybe I start to make finishing touches to that gun of Yokos. 

keskiviikko 2. toukokuuta 2012

Inspired by....

Past few days I've been working on my outfit quite intensely. Now finally the ''kinomo'' seems to fit nicely I really had to compromise the pattern.  First I thought it's going to be awful mistake to sew it from yukata pattern. But by looking the pictures from adiane it's supposed to be little loose. So I started to work on my sleeves. 

I was checking to see what kind of Adianes are out there. Got to say i'm pretty impressed by some pics there! 

I really got inspired by these two. This is the stantard I want for my outfit too:--D Photos are from 
I also needed these pics to seek information what kind of pattern Adianes sleeve has. Seriously there's now proper official photo of it... 

Working on the frill. This was super easy to make just used normal white cotton on it. This is what really makes it look Adianes outfit. The key item recognizing the characterxD 

Omg my eyes are burning look at seam! errr I've learned to sew by the hard way;___; to me as long as it looks good and fits nicely is the main thing. Putting the needles to make the frill is super slow. It took one Lord of the ring movie to finish two sleeve frills...

Here's how it looks on me. Of course I had to take the tail on with me and my schock color wig. I started working on the sleeve pattern right away. It was pain in the ass to attach the needles. I am not sure if i tear it down and start over. Maybe the colors of the ''eye' will make it look better. 

Also my under bust corset arrived from Ebay. I decided to buy this because I'm not so sure if i can make good looking one and it was cheap enough. I will attach three strings to make it look more like Adianes corset. I've never worn a corset I can say it really takes your breath away. At least you have a straight posture! 

Still so much details to do...........