My two and half weeks holiday in Japan came to end way too fast. I had super nice time in Tokyo even though it was my fifth time already Tokyo never lets me down. =)
Look who's there.. These posters were all over Nagoya..
Anyways mid way of my holiday we left to Nagoya to explore my first abroad cosplay event!
I really love to see other cities of Japan but the distances are huge. From Tokyo its 400 km to Nagoya. So we took night buss haha it took around 7 hours to drive there. We arrived around 6 am so had to kill some time before that : S
The event started with cosplay parade and they shut down the main street to perform. There wasn't much people in the beginning just punch of Otakus.They were only showing the WCS contenders from different countries after that it got quite boring. I was seriously thinking where are the cosplayers?! even though there wasn't any cosplayers at parade I was too eager put on my ROBIN outfit, yeah a deaf sentence in that heat. It was 34 degrees and i was wearing a zero breahtable fake leather outfit x P
Well I was too sweaty to watch the parade so we decide to go the cosplay area, and the there they were probably thousands of japanese cosplaers <3 <3
Team Finland was the first they introduced they seemed so shy: s
Here they are in all omg the Japan team. Very convincing indeed ''Cosplay isn't just about doing cosplay it's more about it's soul. Ahaha okey something like that didn't quite catch thatxD plz correct me..
Seriously this was a bit bore where are the cosplayers!
Found Them!
As soon I got to the con area I didn't take more than ten minutes that I was photographed. And japan people are so polite that they queue for taking photos so the was dozen of people waiting to take my photo, so polite only in japan!
I'll post a punch of photos just 'cos the level of the cosplayers is really high: 3
Lame secret photos

Against the piracy cosplay yooo
Okey Finns do better Kuroshitsuji
Sweet Bonnie<3<3
I stole Zoro for a moment soon the was dozen photographers
These two girls were photographed all the time! Why am I not suprised?!
Final fantasy IIX
These two were so lovely
Free concert!
It was so nice the air cooled down at evening
The winner was JAPANNN<3
Amazing spot for the con a shopping mal and travel terminal
That's all, I really wanna join next year also with more exiting outfit. I will soon start working on my outfit for Tracon. But I've been so busy because I just moved to new city,Vaasa. I really hope I finish my cosplay on time: S