lauantai 25. elokuuta 2012

Lady of the castle

Before my trip to Japan, Miki wanted to photoshoot two dresses of hers. So me and my friend did a little modelling. To be honest I have never worn huge dress like that and I find it quite difficult to pose with:S
At least little practice for Tracon when I'll be wearing the dress of Madam red.
 (I'll be updating soon the making progress) 

It was hilarious to walk on the street wearing these

I was wearing super highheels.One wrong step and  I'd fallen to water stream

Here's the days outcome a massive thanks to Miki for creating these: D

Trying new set, the birches on the background works perfectly in this case

For the the last of course there has to be friend photo: D

3 kommenttia:

  1. Oh my! D: How come you're so beautiful~ ;__;

  2. Well I wish I had a hair like that! ;___;

  3. Mä kattelen teitä vinkeesti tossa ekassa kuvassa :'DD
