tiistai 18. joulukuuta 2012

Stocking in progress vol. 2

Hello from freezing Vaasa:S I have had busy month including long hours at work, school, moving to new apartment and partying. Anyhow I realized it's only two months till Desucon Frostbite: So once again I got the inspiration to start work on my outfit and luckily bought the ticket just in time!! The tickets were sold out in record speed. I'm still trying to get ticket for my friend: ( Hopefully there will be coming few tickets on sale again...refreshing my page like crazy to get one> < 

And here it is <3 Two months: )

Working on the socks I am making those of 60 denim leggins, come to think of it why the hell im making these from so thin fabric. It will probably -20 degrees like last time... gee 
 The paint was mark called Emo...even the color was uneven but i think many layers will do the trick totally will not start sewing anything on these!
I was actually smiling but here I actually look like i'm worried about my red feet. No worries that's my Adiane cosplay wig just trying it on to get the Stocking feeling.
 Looks like done? nahh need to sew it still but it will look like something like this: ) The bracelets I will be doing from soft foam.
 My mom had perfect shoes for my cosplay. Too bad they're too sizes too big but I'm more worried walking with these in freezing snow I guess I'll spend my money on taxi again; (
 Here's the wig I ordered I looks nice. I hope it really comes on time so I wont have use Adianes tangled hair. For make up I ordered the nails<3 and fake lashes.
 Still a lot to do.. that freaking sword and the wings which's material is still a mystery..